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Re: api docs, java source

On Wed Dec 16 04:28, Pablo Duboue wrote:
> apt-get source is neither convenient nor reasonable, particularly with
> jars that are the result of complex builds involving ant, maven, etc.
> If there are -dbg for other libraries why they can't be -dbg for java
> ones? Besides the source code, having the line number information,
> methods, etc. makes a big difference when examining stack traces.

Yes, and that's why we distribute jars compiled with -g not -g:none, so
you get all of that anyway

> The objective of packing java libraries is so people don't need to
> fetch and compile them themselves. If we only provide stripped
> libraries with no source they will be good for execution but not for
> development.

See above, policy (I thought?) says that we don't provide stripped
libraries, since in Java it doesn't give much of a performance
improvement, but it's very useful for things like debugging and (iirc?)
eclipse completion.

Matthew Johnson

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