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Re: Building the Eclipse SDK (eclipse-build)

* Matthew Johnson <mjj29@debian.org> [2009-06-18 06:23]:
> On Wed Jun 17 19:03, Andrew Overholt wrote:
> In terms of dependencies, is this all built to use the
> platform-installed copies of dependent libraries?

It's currently just using the JARs that upstream includes.  This is
similar to how it's done now with the srcIncluded zips.  I expect
distros will symlink to their system copies during the build and again
after unpacking the resulting zip (since ant doesn't retain symlinks

I'm open to suggestions of better ways to do this.

> Is there a list of these anywhere?

I don't think so.  Looking at the existing Fedora .spec for lines
beginning with BuildRequires/Requires is probably easiest:


It would be useful to document these somewhere under:


You need a bugs.eclipse.org account to edit.



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