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Re: Java package of another java package

On Mon Jun 15 16:28, Mathieu Malaterre wrote:
>   I am continuing my task of packaging GDCM (http://gdcm.sf.net). It
> provides a wrapped layer in java, which can easily be built using:
> $ cat debian/control
> ...
> Build-Depends: openjdk-6-jdk
>   Everything builds fine. However I am now trying to link to
> libvtk-java package, which seems to be a little different, and instead
> uses:
> ...
>   Which one is the correct one ?

Either, but you should pick one. default-jdk currently points to gcj (at
least on intel) and we recommend this unless you have a particular
reason to use openjdk.

> I am getting some weird include issue where one package provide :
> 1. jni.h in /usr/lib/jvm/default-java/include
> while the other in:
> 2. jni.h in /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/include/

If you are building against libvtk-java you won't need it's build
depends, you'll just be building against the jars, which will be
compatible with either JDK. You should find the one that GDCM builds
with and explicitly use that in your debian/rules (rather than relying
on the currently installed default).

What specific error are you getting trying to do this?


Matthew Johnson

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