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Re: Cleanup in .orig.tar.gz or debian/rules?

On Thu Jul 17 00:36, Philipp Matthias Hahn wrote:

> Also, if I strip those .jar-files from the .orig.tar.gz, do I still need
> to keep their copyright and license-info in debian/copyright?

Hi Philipp,

If not explicit policy then it is the norm (and required if there are
any licence issues as has been mentioned) to repack the tarball.

This happens once before packaging (per-release) and not in the normal
build procedure.

In this case you should change the upstream version (normally by
appending .dfsg, so the tarball would be foo_1.2.3.dfsg.orig.tar.gz, and
the version of the package would be 1.2.3.dfsg-1 etc).

You also must document this stripping process in the copyright file,
but you shouldn't include the licences of the files which have been
removed. A recommended practice is to include a get-orig-source target
in the rules file which can be used to obtain debian source from a
pristine tarball and possibly download the original as well. This helps
document what you have done and makes your life easier for new upstream

I have provided in the javahelper suite as part of jh_makepkg (which
creates a template package from upstream source) a --clean option which
will guess at which files need to be removed. Obviously, this is just an
aid, you will need to check it has done the right thing.


Matthew Johnson

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