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signal:noise in debian-java

I'm sorry to say that I have only been a member of this list for a
week, but I'm already sick of the spam I get on this list.  I know
there are plenty of political issues to iron out when setting up a
list, but this is rether ridiculous.  Not including the 2 e-mails
for subscribing, I received 38 e-mails from this list.  Only 10 of
them were legitimate list traffic. I'm being generous.  Two of the
10 were from me.  Two others were identical.

For those who think that this is normal, and I should just start
using SA, or whatever, this is not the only mail list I'm on.  This
is only the worst - by orders of magnitude.  Outside this list, I
get an average of about 2 - 3 spam e-mails a day without filtering
anything, despite the fact that I regularly participate in archived
mail lists.

Please, don't let unsubscribed people send messages.  Maybe someone
will need to wait until they arrive home from work to post a
message.  That's unfortunate, but it's not a legitimate reason to
forward spam to every subscriber.  The list that I post to most
regularly has changed their policy on this and the list is much
improved.  It is likely that most of us can access webmail of some
sort, possibly allowing access to the same e-mail account that 
was subscribed to the list.

I genuinely hope for the best for this list.  I'll be unsubscribing


Wade Curry

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