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Re: java2-runtime

> - java1-runtime stands for Java1 (i.e. up to Java 1.2).
> - java2-runtime stands for Java2 (i.e. Java 1.3 and higher).
> -  free VMs generally only provide java1-runtime (java-runtime is IMHO 
> wrong or a typo).

Does this mean that bugs should be filed with packages which provide or
depend on java-runtime (I noticed a few)?

Should bugs be filed with kaffe, which as Peter pointed out does not
provide any java runtime?

Is there any reason why java1-runtime and java2-runtime are the official
runtimes, whereas java-compiler and java2-compiler are the official
compilers? This inconsistency does not seem helpful in establishing
consistency within the runtimes.


Noah had whiskers
In the ark
But he wouldn't get by
On a bench
In the park

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