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Re: The most popular java packages in contrib

Wolfgang Baer wrote:
> Hi Rene,
> Rene Engelhard wrote:
>> Can we get bsh 2.0bX into unstable (or at least experimental)?.
>> At least b1 seems to build fine with gcj4 (as OOo2 includes it in their
>> source tree and building it works..) so it can be moved to main (and
>> OOo2 recommend/suggest it instead of shipping an own bsh.jar).
> I am working on it - there is one test failure in the testsuite left.
> But I think its ok if I report that upstream. Its related to a strange
> use case of serialization - normal serialization works fine.
> Expect it by the end of this week at latest.


I'm willing to sponsor it to unstable. Many thanks for your work!

 : :' :rnaud
 `. `'
Java Trap: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/java-trap.html

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