Update on libxalan2-java to main
Hi all,
there is a short update on xalan2.
I had success building xalan2 including javadoc and
other docs with gij-3.4/kaffe and gjdoc 0.7.4
This setup needs a rather hacked build script and rules
file and works ONLY on the users machine. I have not
succeeded to built it in a chroot due to missing
java.awt.headless implementation in free vm's.
Another setup with the new libant1.6-java and kaffe does not
need the gij-3.4 any longer and also no hacked build script
or rules file.
However this setup fails as it needs a Graphics2D object
for transformation of the documentation with:
[java] [Xalan2Processor] Applying XSL sheet
[java] java.lang.Error: Grahics2D not implemented. Cairo was not found
or disabled at configure time
[java] at gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GdkGraphicsEnvironment.createGraphics
[java] at java.awt.image.BufferedImage.createGraphics
I tried also with a local built kaffe with the cairo Graphics2D
implementation. This fails with the following exception:
[java] [StyleBook] Caught java.lang.ClassCastException
[java] java.lang.ClassCastException: can't cast
`java/awt/image/BufferedImage' to `gnu/java/awt/peer/gtk/GtkImage'
[java] at gnu.java.awt.peer.gtk.GtkToolkit.prepareImage
[java] at java.awt.Component.prepareImage (Component.java:2092)
[java] at java.awt.Component.prepareImage (Component.java:2072)
[java] at java.awt.MediaTracker.checkID (MediaTracker.java:426)
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