Thanks for writing us at SPARC, the Separated Parenting Access & Resource Center.
Please take a moment to read through this response to your email, as it has answers to many of the frequently asked questions people email us about. If this email doesn't answer your question, instructions for contacting us are included below.
AOL frequently blocks legitimate email from from reaching AOL customers. This includes user registrations and email from the SPARC Administrator, so if you write us and don't hear back from us, this is most likely the reason. Please contact AOL Customer Service at 1-800-827-6364 and ask them to allow mail from the domain to reach you.
Due to the volume of mail we receive, it's not always possible for us to respond to every inquiry. Chances are that your question can be answered by viewing one of the pages below:
- If you're having trouble logging into the message boards or chatroom, OR you're receiving error messages, please read this and see if it covers the difficulty you're having:
If not, please contact us again, but be sure to include the information we ask for.
- If you're emailing us for legal information, your best bet will probably be to post a message about your situation on one or more of the SPARC message boards and see what suggestions you get:
- If you have a general question about divorce or custody (or a related subject), we suggest you look in our FAQ Center for answers to questions you may have. The SPARC FAQ Center is located at:
- For tracking parenting time, we recommend the OPTIMAL Parenting Time Tracker. OPTIMAL is a "must have" tool if you have visitation problems or expect to go to court for any custody-related issue. You can find OPTIMAL at:
If none of these pages cover your issue or you need to contact regarding another matter, please contact us again with the words "SECOND REQUEST" in the Subject line.
-SPARC Admin
-------------------- S P A R C ----------------------
"The Net's most complete information to help fathers
and other non-custodial parents. Extensive list of
articles and downloads."
-Karon Goodman, the guide for Step-parenting
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