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Help on java packaging

Hi all,

I started packaging GIS (Geographical Information Systems) Software for the Debian GIS project. As there are no people with good java packaging experience I would like to ask if someone from the debian java packaging
project could have a look at my packages.

The packages are:

jts - java topology suite
A java library for geographical data processing

jama - java matrix library

jump - java unified mapping platfrom
The "end user" GIS product

jts and jama are dependencies for jump and compiled with kaffe, so they
could go into main. jump at the moment requires jdk1.4 for compilation so it goes into contrib.

I checked classpath cvs and all (expect one) compilation errors are now
implemented in cvs - so there is a good change jump can go into main as well if at some time a new kaffe package with the cvs classpath changes
gets uploaded.

I have also other packages in preparation but first I want to get some
comments if the packaging is ok this way. I used cdbs as I saw in several other java packages. The javadoc is generated via gjdoc with a
method I found through google posted somewhere by arnaud.

You can find the source at:


Sorry not apt-gettable !

I you will find the packages ok - I would also like to join pkg-java
project. I am not a DD and have currently not the time to start the new maintainer process. But I have enough time to maintain my packages and help out with others - but would need a sponsor !



PS: jts and jump are GPL - but jama is some sort of public domain. I don't know if it can go into main. Comments are welcome !

The copyrigth says:
This software is a cooperative product of The MathWorks and the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) which has been released to the public domain. Neither The MathWorks nor NIST assumes any responsibility whatsoever for its use by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic

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