At -0400Monday 6/14/04 11:03 PM, Gerald Bauer wrote:
Hello, I just got an email from a Sun lawyer advising me to rename the Java Republic news blog to the Republic for discussion of Java(tm) technology or to the Republic regarding the Java(tm) platform. I'm not making it up. What's next? Sun lawyers suing the Java Republic to rebrand their island? See the email titled "Sun's Java Trademarks" yourself online @ Any comments?
Gerald,Perhaps you could email Rick Ross, the founder of, to ask him how he dealt with this issue. Or perhaps you could do what, for example, did: replace the term "Java" with the letter "j," yielding "JSurfer" instead of "JavaSurfer." Notice that does not do either. There is no "java" or "j" in their domain name despite the fact that their web site is almost entirely about J2EE.
What about debian-java? How does the mailinglist debian-regarding-the-java-tm-platform sound? - Gerald