free-java-sdk usage [was: Re: Accepted libxerces2-java 2.6.2-1 (all source)]
W liście z nie, 06-06-2004, godz. 16:07, Arnaud Vandyck pisze:
> Stefan Gybas <> writes:
> > * New upstream release
> > * Build with free-java-sdk / SableVM instead of Kaffe so I don't need the
> > ugly LD_LIBRARY_PATH hack any longer (closes: #246468)
Cool! I am very happy to see free-java-sdk in use. I've even just
uploaded a new, slightly improved version. In this shape it can now
go into Sarge (it's already there, but the previous version).
> > * Use libgnujaxp-java instead of libxerces-java to call Ant since it's
> > included by the SableVM wrapper automatically. It's a bit strange to use
> > an external XML parser to build an XML parser but such is life...
Yeah. How would one parse build.xml w/o an XML parser? ;-)
I could not add libgnujaxp-java as a Dependency of sablevm, because this
-java package depends on some native pieces (libgnujaxp-jni) that are
not available on one of the platforms SableVM supports in Debian.
Probably a wishlist bug against jaxp package would be in order.
For *users* of free-java-sdk I added Recommend: libgnujaxp-java,
which will install it automatically when using some of the more
userfriendly package management tools.
But packages still should explicitely build-depend on libgnujaxp-java,
to get proper xml parsing working; the rest is done automatically.
Thanks and cheers,
Grzegorz B. Prokopski
Grzegorz B. Prokopski <>
Debian GNU/Linux
SableVM - LGPLed JVM
Why SableVM ?!?
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