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Re: libxalan-java

Hallo Stefan,

* Stefan Gybas wrote:
>I'd like to name the new source package in main libxalan-java (instead 
>of libxalan_2_-java) since that's also the name that upstream uses. 

IMO that as bas as using kdelibs instead of kdelibs4

Jars like xalan are libraries and should be packaged accordingly.

Thats also the reason, why the proposed policy uses
'<name><API_Version>[-<extra_Name>].jar' and
'lib<name><API_Version>-java' as names for jars and packages.

Just consider, what will happen if the next xalan version includes
breaking API changes.

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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