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Re: Supporting CLASSPATH for /etc/alternatives/java

W liście z pią, 28-02-2003, godz. 00:03, Daniel Bonniot pisze: 
> At least sablevm is providing an alternative for "java", but does not 
> seem to look at the CLASSPATH. I was thinking about reporting this as a 
> bug, but it would make more sense to clarify that issue in the policy.
Not true, at least in unstable.

From your bug report (the one you just closed) I can see you're using
1.0.4 version. It's a shame on glibc that it still holds updates for
testing since sooo long time. But I can't really help that.

Of course you _CAN_ file a bug against 1.0.4 version and I'll tag it
"sarge". But _instead_ - let me suggest you fetch the sources to latest
version and recompile it on your system. The bugs found in it will be
much more important as you understand.

> PS: sablevm does not support -classpath either, but requires --classpath 
> (double hyphen). I will bug report this, as it is a policy violation.

Getting back to the topic. Current /usr/lib/sablevm/bin/java wrapper
script supports:
-classpath, --classpath, CLASSPATH variable (which can be overwritten by
[-]-classpath), {-}-addclasspath and other options. Take a look at the
wrapper and you'll know (it's a simple shell script).

If there's some option missing or not working properly - I'd like to
hear that.

> If we decide not to require jvms to honor CLASSPATH, I think we should 
> say it explicitely in the policy, in a section about how to make a 
> portable use of the java command.

BTW: Is there any documentation where I could learn about all the
options that 'java' command should understand (and how they should
be used)? [0] I'd really love to see a pointer. Thanks.

Thank you for your comments, Daniel

				Grzegorz B. Prokopski

[0] When I was writing this java wrapper - I took a look at the man page
of 'java' from j2sdk from blackdown. Then I tried to guess how to
implement and which options. I did it best I can and thus I'd be glad to
learn how to do it better. :-)

Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org>
Debian http://www.debian.org/

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