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Figuring out a good way to package servlet software

I'm in the process of trying to make my current JSPWiki[0] package
into a Debian policy conformant package. The fact that JSPWiki is a
Tomcat "module" makes things a little difficult, though.

How big a no-no is it to put configuration files into other places
than /etc/jspwiki? The JSPWiki contains two kinds of files which
should not be overwritten if they have been modified since the
installation: configuration files and default page content.
Now, putting the configuration files into /etc/jspwiki would be fine
(there are three of these) but these need to be linked to
/var/lib/tomcat4/webapps/JSPWiki/WEB-INF and in my trials Tomcat4 does
not like symbolic links there. Would it be OK to put these files
directly into the /var/lib/tomcat4/webapps/JSPWiki/WEB-INF and ignore
lintian/linda complaints?

Would the same be OK with the default page content? Just mark all
files in /var/lib/jspwiki as configuration files and ignore

And finally, as I'm a relatively new entry in the NM process, would
somebody be willing to sponsor this package when/if I get it into a
correct shape?

[0] http://www.ecyrd.com/JSPWiki WikiWiki clone made with JSP and
relatively pure MVC model.

* Sufficiently advanced magic is indistinguishable from technology (T.P)  *
*           PGP public key available @ http://www.iki.fi/killer           *

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