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Re: [PROPOSAL] 3. RfD on new debian java policy

Hallo Dalibor,

* Dalibor Topic wrote:
[kdelibs4 problems]
>> all cases to '1', but the latest qt version in unstable is '2'. I don't
>> think that anyone bothers to test their packages, when one of the
>> dependencies changed.
>Whoever changed the dependency should have tested the packages that depend on
>it, in my opinion.

Noone changed anything. The only change was, that there is now a new
qt lib in unstable, which wasn't there during the last build of

Should the qt maintainer compile every kde app when he uploaded a new
version? The kde maintainer, when any of his dependencies has changed?

>> What I say is, that you can assume, that if you compile your java
>> package to java byte code (version ...), then a 'sun derived' VM will
>> run it. I consider that save enough and a lot of better than the
>> current practise.
>There are examples available that clearly show that this assumption is not

May I hear them?

>> So you find it acceptable, if one has 5 java packages, which need 5
>> different JVM, *althought* one of this JVM will run all 5 packages?
>Of course.

Then you have missed the point with java...

>I may want to run one package on one VM, the other one on another,
>because it performs better on it, for example. What's wrong with picking the
>right tool for the job? What's wrong with having a choice?

Nothing is wrong with that. I'm only wondering, why you want to
prevent that the users has this choice... If I have the knowledge what
JVM works best with my app, then I will also have no problem with
downlaoding this packages, *if* I need them. In all other cases, I
think that 'it is able to run it' will be enough. 

>Then it should be up to you to collaborate with the maintainers to make sure
>their packages build on the single particular VM environment you decided to
>pick for yourself and to aid them in providing support for it.

No. If we have that, we could forget about java policy and just use
the normal debian policy. I won't do that.

Jan Schulz                     jasc@gmx.net
     "Wer nicht fragt, bleibt dumm."

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