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Re: [PROPOSAL] New Virtual Packages and way to handle Classpath

IMO, /usr/bin/javac is mainly used for hello world programms and
almost nowher ein scripts, so it's not really nessesary to have
strictly the same comandline options (man pacges will be under update
alternatives as well)

javac can also be called during package building. Unless a specific compiler (e.g. /usr/bin/jikes) is always used, but isn't that a burden for users rebuilding packages?

2.5. Classpath

To make classpath issues as easy as possible, each package, which includes
public (library) jar files must add a Jar Description File (JarDF) in
/var/lib/java/ and place this jars in /usr/share/java. The JarDF must be

Does this conform to the FHS?
"This hierarchy [/var/lib] holds state information pertaining to an application or the system. State information is data that programs modify while they run, and that pertains to one specific host."

What about /usr/share/java/<package name>.classpath ?


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