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Re: Eclipse upgrade

* Daniel Bonniot <Daniel.Bonniot@inria.fr> wrote:
>>The only thing, what someone could do, would be to package a 
>>eclipse-snapshot package. 
> I somebody does it, plase announce it here.

If I do it, I will... But as I said, that will probably  wait until
I think that the API is stable again or the features are worth
packaging (meaning: when I want to run the new version :). I expect
that to be after august...

> I looked at eclipse's internal "software upgrade" feature, but I take it 
> that it will not upgrade across major versions like this, right?
> By the way, do software upgrades play well with the debian packaging? Or 
> is it untested?

Mostly untested: I patched eclipse to not allow for updates of
/usr/share/eclipse and /usr/local/share/eclipse features/plugins,
($HOME/.eclipse/eclipse should work) but I haven't used the 
updatemanager at all and I'm very confortable with doing simple

Please have a go and file bugs agains eclipse-platform if something
feals not right!

> Good luck for all that! ;-)


> Well, this plugin is not really released, it's a prototype, and i'm a 
> beta-tester, sort of ;-)

Ok, that makes sense :)

> Does somebody happen to know if using "task" or "problems" is just a 
> matter of changing one class name, or do they have different APIs?

I'm not sure, but I don't think that the api isn't that differnt
(IMO the only differnce between them is, that on takes the 'Tasks'
and the other ones the 'problem' markers...)

> How 
> is the transition supposed to happen? By releasing two versions of each 
> plugin, depending on the target eclipse platform version?

Yes, you will have to do that. Actually someone said that some days
ago in the eclipse.tools newsgroups, that this was the way to go...
He said, that this was nessesary even between the 2.0 and 2.1.1
release (which is API compatible).


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