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Re: SWT choice on Eclipse

Jan Schulz <muelleimer@usenet.katzien.de> wrote:
> So the problems are:
> * How to handle the two different plugins in a autmatically manner

'eclipse-gtk'  and 'eclipse-motif'  wrappers and  update-alternatives to
have an 'eclipse' wrapper.

> * should both packages be made from the same source (would mean
>   doubleing the build dependencies and introducing open motif
>   dependencies). The alternative would be to use the new SWT drops.

What are the new SWT drops?

> * Proposing a new virtual package for libswt-java with will be
>   provided by libswt-gtk-java and libswt-motif-java (and possible
>   future ports). I just read that you need to ask debian-devel to
>   'get' one. Not sure how difficult that is. 
> Any comments?

Keep on the good job ;-p

-- Arnaud Vandyck, STE fi, ULg
   Formateur Cellule Programmation.

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