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libgnujaxp-java new version and apidoc

Hi all,

According to the comments of Mark Howard[1]:

- I did 'cvs export' the sources (not checkout), made a tarball;

- Removed the comments in debian/rules (but not those in the
  'binary-indep' target, nor in the 'binary-arch' target... should

- I did update debhelper to get rid of the usr/doc problem.

Lintian says nothing! ;-)

I copy some informations from the first mail I sent[2]:

Package name: libgnujaxp-java
Version: 0.0.cvs20030330
License: GPL
Upstream: http://www.gnu.org/software/classpathx/jaxp/jaxp.html

Description: GNUJAXP includes interfaces and implementations for basic
 XML processing in Java, and some general purpose SAX2 utilities.
 The standard distribution includes "gnujaxp.jar", javadoc, and full
 source code.  The current software is available at:
 This is intended only to require JDK 1.1 support to compile or run;
 that may change at some point, but for now portability to PJava and
 other widely used Java configurations/profiles is important.

I also made a libgnujaxp-java-doc package with the javadoc.

You can add these lines in your sources.list:

 deb http://vbstefi60.fapse.ulg.ac.be/~arnaud/debian/ ./
 deb-src http://vbstefi60.fapse.ulg.ac.be/~arnaud/debian/ ./

[1] http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2003/debian-java-200303/msg00065.html
[2] http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2003/debian-java-200303/msg00064.html

-- arnaud @ home
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