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Re: j2sdk build-depends cannot be satisfied?

>>>>> "Ola" == Ola Lundqvist <opal@debian.org> writes:
    Ola> I do not know that short form WTF. If they are installable
    Ola> does not matter. If it is completely useless then it has to
    Ola> depend on somekind of runtime at least. Just as with any
    Ola> other dependencies. :)

WTF -> What the F(&(*&^(^*%k

>From the rest of your paragraph I think we're in agreement that only
depending on java-common is wrong and that these packages should also
be depending on java1-runtime.  If so, I'll announce my intention to
perform a mass bug filling against these packages on -devel.


"Sixty percent of all Americans say they flew the flag after Sept. 11,
2001.  Last week, less than 40 percent of registered voters cast
ballots.  Americans who wrap themselves in patriotic colors, yet can't
be bothered to exercise the most fundamental right and responsibility
in a democracy, betray the country they claim to love."
 -- Christina Hulbe, Letters to the Editor, The Orgeonian, 10
 Nov. 2002

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