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Re: Trouble building Babel

Adam C Powell IV wrote:


I'm trying to build a new package babel (ITP in bug 149148), but am having a bit of trouble. Specifically, the babel build breaks in the middle, the force-jarfile target in the compiler subdir always seems to complete successfully, but then make dies after completing it. A subsequent make, or debian/rules build, completes the build successfully, and the .jar produced by that force-jarfile seems to work perfectly.

I've isolated this problem: the statement

jar uf ../lib/babel-0.7.4.jar -C . gov/llnl/babel/dtds/html-lite.dtd && echo hello

does not add the file to the jar, and does not echo hello or print anything else for that matter, so it's giving some kind of error, terminating the build. (Adding v, i.e. jar uvf, doesn't result in any additional output.)

What's the problem with jar here?  (This is kaffe's jar.)

[Please CC me in replies, since I'm not subscribed.]


-Adam P.

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