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Re: Something pushed out my Blackdown j2re1.3

Steinar Bang <sb@dod.no> wrote:

> I tried
> 	apt-get update
> 	apt-get dist-upgrade
> on my Intel PIII testing system yesterday, and something seems to have
> pushed out Blackdown j2re1.3, and tries to install jre1.1 instead.


Replace this line in your sources.list:

# Unofficial Java2 for woody
deb ftp://ftp.uk.linux.org/pub/linux/java/debian/ woody main non-free

Arnaud Vandyck -- http://vbstefi60.fapse.ulg.ac.be/~arnaud/

Le chèvre est un fromage fait avec du lait de brebis.
(Perle du bac 2001)

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