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Re: Bug#163390: JNI Installation Directories (again)


On Tue, Oct 29, 2002 at 07:03:28AM +1100, Ben Burton wrote:
> > Personally, I feel they're 'just libraries' and should be treated as
> > such, going into /usr/lib.
> My argument for /usr/lib/jni is that other programs aren't going to want to 
> link with them, so it's better not to clutter up the default shared library 
> paths.

And I assume that no changes have to be made in /etc/ld.so.conf (or similar)?

> It's the same reason C python modules are placed beneath /usr/lib/pythonX.Y - 
> these are just libraries, but you only ever use them as python imports, so 
> you avoid cluttering up /usr/lib.
> > To me the key is that we agree on a single place to put JNI libraries.
> Yep, that and to also have the JVMs support this single place by including it 
> in the default java.library.path.

Is this possible?


// Ola

> Ben.
> -- 
> Ben Burton
> benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
> Public Key: finger bab@db.debian.org
> Why can't they have gay people in the army?  Personally, I think they are
> just afraid of a thousand guys with M16s going, "Who'd you call a faggot?"
> 	- Jon Stewart

 --------------------- Ola Lundqvist ---------------------------
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