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Re: JVM Registry (was: CLASSPATH and Jikes)

On Wed, Oct 30, 2002 at 09:47:50AM +1100, Ben Burton wrote:
> Hash: SHA1


> Well that was fun, somebody unsubscribed me from debian-java; the first I 
> heard was the successful unsubscription notification.  As a result I nearly 
> missed this.  But anyway:
> > I am attempting to resurrect both my Kaffe package and my involvement
> > therein. This JVM registry seems like a great idea. What would it take
> > to move it forward?
> I've now dredged up the full proposal I initially made over a year ago and put 
> it up as http://people.debian.org/~bab/javareg/PROPOSAL.txt .

Ahh forgot about my other message. There is already a proposal. :)

> What I believe would need to happen is:
> 1) People agree on whether a JVM registry is in principle a good thing;
I second that. :)

> 2) People agree on precisely what fields should be provided in the registry 
> files, and whether these registry files should be conffiles or not;
> 3) The proposal is put into java policy;
When that the 1, 2 and at least started the 4 I'll do that. :)

> 4a) The various debian JVMs and compilers add registry files to their 
> packages, while:
> 4b) The registry query scripts are added to java-common and tweaked/modified 
> as necessary.
> At which point other java packages can successfully start using this registry.
> So.  How do people currently feel about (1)? ;-)
> Btw, there was some discussion on all of this back in September/October 2001, 
> you might want to browse the archives if you're interested in people's 
> earlier reponses.


// Ola

> Ben.
> - -- 
> Ben Burton
> benb@acm.org  |  bab@debian.org
> Public Key: finger bab@db.debian.org
> How can anyone have an understanding of the virgin if they don't
> also have an understanding of the prostitute, the saint and sinner in one
> body? Attempting to reconcile these opposing forces in my own nature is
> my goal.
> 	- Tori Amos
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> -- 
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