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Re: which JSP engine

"Dj Statik" <djstatik@iprimus.com.au> writes:

> * Tomcat + mod-jk 
> * GNUJSP + jserv 
> * Jetty (not available as a Debian package) 
> Can anyone offer any oppinions as to what is a good JSP set up that will 
> intergrate nicely with existing services on my web server? 

You could also use GNU-Paperclips and GNUJSP (but Paperclips is still
in beta).

I would advise that you not use JServ. It's very old now and not
likely to implement what your customer might expect from a JSP engine.

Either of the other two would be ok.

Nic Ferrier
GNU-Paperclips maintainer

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