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Re: NBIO (Non-blocking I/O)

[Sorry for the long email; I have a lot of questions.]

> http://people.debian.org/~opal/java/policy.html/
> http://lists.debian.org/debian-java/2001/debian-java-200107/msg00000.html

I did read the policy, and I have now looked over the JNI email thread.
I'm a little confused about how the policy is actually implemented,
through.  For instance, I can see that for libraries like libxalan-java
and libxerces-java, I get:


This looks like it matches the policy.  However, for other libaries like
lib-gnu.getopt-java, I get:

   /usr/share/java/repositories/gnu/getopt/<class files>

This doesn't match the policy OR the directory structure proposed in the
JNI-related email thread.

The main (only?) JNI example I have found so far is libreadline-java,
which installs:

   /usr/share/java/libreadline-java.jar -> libreadline-java-0.6.jar

(which seems sensible) but then relies on the separately-managed:


None of these quite match the way NBIO is laid out.  The NBIO library ends 
up having four different sets of things to install:

   - libNBIO.so
   - 16 class files
   - some README-style documentation
   - some Javadoc documentation

It seems to me that to meet the policy, I should create package
libnbio-java, which installs/creates:

   /usr/doc/libnbio-java -> /usr/share/doc/libnbio-java

My questions are:

   1) Am I correct that I should be creating a .jar rather than
      installing the 16 class files individually?  If not, where 
      should the class files go?
   2) Where should I put the javadoc documentation?  Seems like 
      html/ in the base documentation directory is a good place, 
      but (for instance) the getopt javadoc files are just put 
      right in the base documentation directory, not in html/.  
      Which is right?
   3) There are two conflicting values for the preferred location
      of JNI shared libraries - /usr/lib/java and /usr/lib/java/jni.
      Which is correct?
   4) Is it my responsibility to ensure that the system-wide 
      $LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes /usr/lib/java (or /usr/lib/java/jni), 
      so that the JNI libraries are found?

Thanks again for the help.


Kenneth J. Pronovici <pronovic@ieee.org>
Personal Homepage: http://www.skyjammer.com/~pronovic/
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little 
 temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." 
      - Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759 

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