Joe Faith wrote:
I tried Blackdown 1.3.1 and Sun JDK 1.3.1, but still get those pesky SIGABRT errors when trying to attach a dubgger to a running JVM.
Well, it depends of what you are trying to debug.. servlets? An application? Depending on that, you may have more luck starting it directly using jdb. Eg:
`jdb -classpath ${YOUR_CLASSPATH} com.runtimecollective.AnApp`instead of launching a JVM with debugging instrumentation on and connecting to it using jdb.
You may also want to try doing a "suspend=y", or not using HotSpot (`java -classic ... `). But in any case, I'd read up on the jdb docs included with the JDK and look at the JPDA site for more detail.
HTH, Mike. -- Mike Gratton <> "Every motive escalate." Blatant self-promotion: <>