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Re: The evils of /usr/share/java/repository

On Sat, Sep 15, 2001 at 09:34:45AM -0500, Ben Burton wrote:
> > > Does anyone have reasons why /usr/share/java/repository should remain?
> >
> > No do do not like that repository. Can we have some consensus about this?
> >
> > Should I remove it from the policy?
> Can we also remove the bullet point under "Advice to Java Packagers" that
> *recommends* using the repository instead of jars?

Sure. :)

> > Just one though. The symlink. Should that be automaticly generated
> > by a tool that are runned from the postinst script or should it
> > be provided by the (latest, or most compatible) version of the package?
> The way this is done in /usr/lib is that the symlink is provided by
> package libfoo-dev and you can only ever have one such package installed.
> This makes no sense for java because the development files are precisely
> the same as the library itself (i.e. lib-foo-java.jar).
> So if the debian packages provide the links themselves then it would seem
> you can only ever have one version of lib-foo-java.jar installed at any
> given time, which seems undesirable (and defeats the point of installing
> lib-foo-java-version.jar).
> So I guess this leaves the postinst script.  My first thought would be to
> have a tool, say javaconfig, which you run like:
> javaconfig /usr/share/java/lib-editline-java.jar

That shounds like a good thing.

> And it searches for all files called
> /usr/share/java/lib-editline-java-*.jar, compares the versions (pieces
> in the place of *) using a sensible comparison (like debian versions, not
> strict lexicographical) and creates a link to the highest version.
> If there is no such jar, it deletes the link lib-editline-java.jar (if it
> exists).  This means you can call javaconfig in the postinst and in the
> postrm, and the link will always be created, updated or removed as
> necessary.
> Does this sound right?

Yes. Can 'alternatives' do this for us? I have not used it much.


// Ola

> Ben.
> -- 
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