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Re: Quitting debian-java


No package should depend directly on Sun's (or any other) Java
implementation. Rather, they should depend on java-virtual-machine or



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On Fri, 2 Mar 2001, Artur Radosz wrote:

> Seth Arnold wrote:
> > * Artur Radosz <slu@ags.pl> [010302 01:10]:
> > 
> >>> Artur, the problem is very simple. I hope I can explain it simply enoug
> >>> Debian is about Free Software. Free as in BSD, GPL, LGPL, Artistic,
> >>> XFree86, etc. All these licenses satisfy the requirements of the Debian
> >> 
> >> What about non-free? What about real-player? Netscape and others?
> > 
> > 
> > non-free is not part of Debian. realplayer comes only as an installer.
> For me it`s :). It`s listed in installer. Mirorred on your sites. 
> Packaged in .deb.
> > Netscape is there by virtue of being *the* web browser. I would imagine
> > its days are numbered. (As konqueror, mozilla, and more improve
> > drastically every day..)
> Yeah, mozilla is really, really close. Btw. mozilla gui isn`t 
> customizable? Funny.
> Anyway, there is a way to put java2 in debian (ok, in non-free) as 
> installer. However i don`t like realplayer installer. Instead i see
> a installer that fetch archive (like in xanim modules),  before this 
> displaying licensee and using sun webpages, just with different dislplay 
> method. I hope that it will don`t break Your laws. Could it go into 
> non-free?
> Another question what about packages that will depends on it? Where it 
> should go? Contrib sounds resonable.
> slu
> --  
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