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Re: Jserv for Sparc

Emmanuel Bruno wrote:

>     I am trying to install Cocoon on a ultrasparc(running potato and the
> blackdown port of the JDK), but it requires Jserv and I can't find it
> (even in Incoming).

jserv is in contrib /bacuse it doesn't run very well with kaffe) so the
autobuilders will not build it. If you have Blackdown's JDK installed you
should be able to build the package on your machine.

debian/rules has a section that reads

# The Java Development Kit to use (1.1.x required!)
export JDK_HOME=/usr/lib/jdk1.1

Set this to your JDK home and everything should build fine. I need to
hardcode this path here because otherwise a locally installed JDK 1.2 might
be auto detected and the resulting JAR will not work with JDK 1.1.

Stefan Gybas

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