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Re: (comp) fbiterm and Japanese (and French...)

David and Kenshi,

Thanks very much for the information.

I'll test that later will ask further questions if the need arises.

I used to work with Debian about 10 years ago, when the only solution for me was to have a Kon console for Japanese and a "normal" latin-1 console separately for French. At that time most apps did only support a locale specific encoding, hence I had mutt-ja and jvim to work in EUC-JP on one side and the "regular" apps on the other. Emacs was helpful for most of the typing though, especially with the links to edict...

Then I reverted to Mac and OSX and I've been evolving in almost full UTF-8 GUI processes since them. Going to Debian again is really mostly for experimental purposes since most of the apps I use require for work at least Java and I am not aware that Java is available in a frame buffer environment...

But if I manage to get a UTF-8 environment working in the 3 languages I use daily maybe I'll consider going further.

My general feeling was that even though Debian gave potential access to a great number of m17n features, those did not seem to be proposed by default. I am still surprised that the default locale is not by default a UTF-8 encoded one.

It seems a "task" option would be to propose only unicode supporting apps and processes. Otherwise one has to go through an unnecessary number of individual searches to see which app supports unicode or not.

Similarly, keyboard/input management seems really simplistic. The same "task" option could ask which languages the user needs to input on which keyboard and offer the necessary settings.

It looks like even though the features are here, everything is made for the monolingual (or English+ some other language) user. For people who come from such rich multilingual system as OSX it is really hard to find a simple way through all the possibilities...

Anyway, I am not giving up quite yet !


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