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Re: fonts, gnome, kinput2 and the English language

On Mon, Sep 23, 2002 at 02:35:14PM +1000, Jim Richards wrote:
> I would run the script set-language-env but all the messages are in
> Japanese. My Nihon-go isn't that good yet ;-) Maybe I'll go through
> /usr/share/language-env and just do the mods by hand.
> I want to have English menus but the ability to input Japanese, everywhere 
> (well,
> everywhere that xim works within gnome). My main goal is to do this within 
> AbiWord
> (which I have read previously here that Debian support for Japanese in 
> AbiWord isn't
> there, but as I said above, I think it comes down to font file 
> manipulations), but
> other things like mozilla would be good as well. I think it just comes down 
> to font
> configuration now.

Generally you should set locale to japanese, but overwrite that
with LC_MESSAGES=C, so messages are in English.

Some examples:

$ XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" LC_MESSAGES=C LC_CTYPE="ja_JP.eucJP" LANG="ja_JP.eucJP" xchat
$ GDK_USE_XFT="1" XMODIFIERS="@im=kinput2" LC_MESSAGES="C" LANG="ja_JP.EUC-JP" ./xui.rb
$ XMODIFIERS='@im=kinput2' LANGUAGE=C LC_ALL=ja_JP.eucJP gjiten

xchat is most evil because it requires .eucJP instead of .EUC-JP,
as it has to recode that to do "kanji locale <=> JIS translation" for
IRC I/O and for some weird reason doesn't recognize name "EUC-JP".

xui.rb is more typical GMOME 2 app, which operates Unicode internally.

gjiten is GNOME 1/2 app but is a bit weird

Oh, and Kinput2 won't work with UTF-8 locale.

I put Japanese environment wrappers to the few programs I need to have
in japanese to ~/.menu/

$ cat .gtkrc
gtk-key-theme-name = "Emacs"
gtk-font-name = "Kochi Mincho,Kochi Gothic,Mincho,Gothic,Sans 18"
$ ls -l .gtkrc .gtkrc-2.0
-rw-rw-r--    1 taw      taw           196 Sep 23 09:58 .gtkrc
lrwxrwxrwx    1 taw      taw             6 Aug 10 02:33 .gtkrc-2.0 -> .gtkrc

I hope this helps.

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