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Re: Request for jgroff help

On Thu, 24 May 2001 at 11:58:52 +0900, Fumitoshi UKAI wrote:
> I found one bug in my previous patch.  That one failed assertion
> on src/roff/troff/node.cc line 3804 (node *word_space_node::copy())
> Fixed version is groff_1.17-0.0.2.jgroff in the same directory.


I've put experimental packages with your patch in
http://people.debian.org/~cjwatson/groff-experimental/. The organization
might still be a bit rough, so when the real packages come out it's
possible you might need to remove/purge and reinstall, but I think it's
fairly close. Core stuff that pretty much everybody needs is in
groff-base; additional tools and devices, including the Japanese ones,
are in groff; X-based devices and gxditview are in groff-x11.

How are these for Japanese output, at least reading Japanese man pages?
I don't have enough Japanese packages on my system at the moment to test
them properly (xfonts-intl-japanese would be enough, wouldn't it, given
the glibc locale?), but -Tnippon with the old and new groff at least
appears to produce similar-looking output. If it provides reasonably
good support then I'd like to release these in the next couple of days
and update to future patches from you folks later if need be, as I can
do that pretty quickly.


Colin Watson                                     [cjw44@flatline.org.uk]

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