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Re: ora di sistema

> Scusa dove hai trovato queste info?
> Dopo mesi in cui l'orologio non ne voleva sapere di funzionare, mi dava
> appunto time out
> su /dev/rtc, ora utilizzando il modulo genrtc funziona.
> La cosa strana e' che sullo stesso portatile /dev/rtc ha sempre
> funzionato, solo dopo che ho fatto l'upgrade da etch a lenny ho avuto il
> problema.
ho trovato le informazioni cercando su internet nella mailing-list 
debian-devel.......ti allego la pagina html che ho salvato.....
CIAO :-)

Title: select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out. : a different sol


select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out. : a different solution

Junichi Uekawa
Sat, 08 Jul 2006 17:59:44 -0700


I've been worried about this small bug where hwclock waits for timeout in while 
with a message:

select() to /dev/rtc to wait for clock tick timed out. 

The machine is a MacBook, and I see references to this message on
dual-core Intel processors, so it looks like a generic problem.

People seem to be working around by 

1. disabling APIC / ACPI? 

2. adding --directisa to hwclock.

of course, there is another real option

3. making the kernel work.

I've noticed that this message appears when I am using 'rtc.ko' for controlling 
There are apparently three drivers for RTC in Linux kernel, 

1. rtc (the old rtc driver)
2. genrtc (generic RTC emulation)
3. rtc-dev (new RTC class framework)

unloading rtc and loading either of genrtc/rtc-dev allowed hwclock to
work on my system.

The question I have is how to accomplish this.  It looks like hotplug
is loading stuff at boot-time, and it's not quite clear as how to make
it not load rtc.

I have tried not loading rtc with blacklisting, but apparently that
makes my system hang after hotplug does its job. Modules set to load
in modconf seems to get loaded very much later than hotplug.

Anyone suffering the same problem?

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