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Re: Sarge.....

Fulvio wrote:
> sto provando a passare da woody a sarge. Ho smanettato un pochino:

su debian-weekly c'è questa notizia, magari è questo il tuo problema:

Woody to Sarge Upgrade? Henning Glawe [19]noticed that circular
dependencies prevent a normal upgrade from woody to sarge using
apt-get. The version in sarge works around this by increasing the
length of the argument list fed into dpkg. Steve Langasek [20]added
that the release notes recommend to use [21]aptitude for upgrading.

 19. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/01/msg01784.html
 20. http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2005/01/msg01821.html
 21. http://packages.debian.org/aptitude


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