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grep e formattazione output

Ho uno strano problema con grep: quando lo uso in accoppiata con 'dpkg
-l' mi altera la formattazione delle colonne, rendendomi difficile la
ricerca dei pacchetti perché a volte ne tronca i nomi:

root@catoblepa-17:14:54-~: dpkg -l
ii  mozilla-ctxextensions     3.1.2004033001-1          Context Menu Extensions for Mozilla
ii  mozilla-diggler           0.6-3                     A set of URL manipulation utilities for Mozilla's location bar
ii  mozilla-firefox           0.8-8                     lightweight web browser based on Mozilla
ii  mozilla-firefox-locale-it 0.8-1                     Mozilla Firefox Italian Language/Region Package
ii  mozilla-mozgest           0.3.99+20040415-1         Mouse gestures add-on for Mozilla suite
ii  mozilla-nukeimage         0.3-2                     Mozilla context menu option to remove image from display
ii  mozilla-stumbleupon       1.90.8-1                  Mozilla addon for sharing interesting websites
ii  mozilla-tabextensions     1.10.2004040401-1         Tabbed browsing extensions for Mozilla

root@catoblepa-17:17:29-~: dpkg -l|grep mozilla
ii  mozilla-ctxext 3.1.2004033001 Context Menu Extensions for Mozilla
ii  mozilla-diggle 0.6-3          A set of URL manipulation utilities for Mozi
ii  mozilla-firefo 0.8-8          lightweight web browser based on Mozilla
ii  mozilla-firefo 0.8-1          Mozilla Firefox Italian Language/Region Pack
ii  mozilla-mozges 0.3.99+2004041 Mouse gestures add-on for Mozilla suite
ii  mozilla-nukeim 0.3-2          Mozilla context menu option to remove image 
ii  mozilla-stumbl 1.90.8-1       Mozilla addon for sharing interesting websit
ii  mozilla-tabext 1.10.200404040 Tabbed browsing extensions for Mozilla

root@catoblepa-17:18:10-~: dpkg -l|grep firefox

Ho fatto qualche rapida ricerca in 'man grep' senza tuttavia giungere a
un risultato. Idee?

 ___ _            | ICQ: 99644516
| _ (_)_ _  ___   |
|  _/ | ' \/ _ \  | PGP key fingerprint:
|_| |_|_||_\___/  | 0B6D CA29 72A5 7F36 0343  72E2 ECDA B516 8747 C639

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