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Re: Puntatori del mouse in Window Maker

Ciao Pino,

On Sat, Nov 22, 2003 at 10:45:56AM +0100, Pino Pinto wrote:
> Scusatemi per la domanda un po' frivola, ma sapete in che modo si
> possano cambiare (se possibile) i puntatori del mouse in Window Maker
> (e/o X)? Ho preso diversi temi da www.kde-look.org e mi piacerebbe
> sapere se posso utilizzarli.
> Analizzando i file "style" contenuti nei temi per Window Maker (di
> quelli che si possono scaricare da http://wm.themes.org) ho notato delle
> righe del tipo
> NormalCursor = (builtin, left_ptr);
> MoveCursor = (bitmap, dot_move.xbm, dot_move_mask.xbm);
> Qualcuno ne conosce la sintassi?

Forse potrebbe esserti utile questa parte di testo estratto dalla man page di

   Cursor cursor_num cursor_type
          This provides a very awkward way of changing cursor styles.
          Cursor num tells which cursor you are changing, and is a
          number between 0 and 12, as follows

          0 POSITION - used when initially placing windows
          1 TITLE - used in a window title-bar
          2 DEFAULT - used in windows that don't bother to set their
          3 SYS - used in one of the title-bar buttons
          4 MOVE - used when moving or resizing windows.
          5 WAIT - used during an EXEC builtin command.
          6 MENU - used in a menus.
          7 SELECT - used for various builtin commands such as iconify.
          8 DESTROY - used for DESTROY and DELETE built-ins.
          9 TOP - used in the top side-bar of a window
          10 RIGHT - used in the right side-bar of a window
          11 BOTTOM - used in the bottom side-bar of a window
          12 LEFT - used in the left side-bar of a window.
          13 TOP_LEFT - used in the top left corner
          14 TOP_RIGHT - used in the top right corner
          15 BOTTOM_LEFT - used in the bottom left corner
          16 BOTTOM_RIGHT - used in the bottom right corner

          The cursor_type argument is a number which tells the cursor
          shape to use. The available numbers can be found in
          /usr/include/X11/cursorfont.h, and are currently even numbers
          between 0 and 152. At the current time, the following cursor
          types are available.

          0 X_cursor                2 arrow
          4 based_arrow_down        6 based_arrow_up
          8 boat                    10 bogosity
          12 bottom_left_corner        14 bottom_right_corner
          16 bottom_side            18 bottom_tee
          20 box_spiral            22 center_ptr
          24 circle                26 clock
          28 coffee_mug            30 cross
          32 cross_reverse            34 crosshair
          36 diamond_cross            38 dot
          40 dotbox                42 double_arrow
          44 draft_large            46 draft_small
          48 draped_box            50 exchange
          52 fleur                54 gobbler
          56 gumby                58 hand1
          60 hand2                62 heart
          64 icon                    66 iron_cross
----->    68 left_ptr                70 left_side
          72 left_tee                74 leftbutton
          76 ll_angle                78 lr_angle
          80 man                    82 middlebutton
          84 mouse                86 pencil
          88 pirate                90 plus
          92 question_arrow            94 right_ptr
          96 right_side            98 right_tee
          100 rightbutton            102 rtl_logo
          104 sailboat                106 sb_down_arrow
          108 sb_h_double_arrow            110 sb_left_arrow
          112 sb_right_arrow            114 sb_up_arrow
          116 sb_v_double_arrow            118 shuttle
          120 sizing                122 spider
          124 spraycan                126 star
          128 target                130 tcross
          132 top_left_arrow            134 top_left_corner
          136 top_right_corner            138 top_side
          140 top_tee                142 trek
          144 ul_angle                146 umbrella
          148 ur_angle                150 watch
          152 xterm

Qui certamente puoi trovare il cursore che ti soddisfa di piu', c'e' solo
l'imbarazzo della scelta ..... :-)

Ti conviene pero' dare un'occhiata anche alla guida di WindowMaker che trovi
presso il sito relativo (www.windowmaker.org) e alle FAQ in

Au Revoire
Hugh Hartmann

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