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Re: indicatore batteria

Alle giu 20 at 07:06, Alessandro Riz scrisse:

>Ciao a tutti,
>   Sapete se c'e' programma che mi dica la carica della
>batteria e che funzioni in modalita' testo?

salva lo script che ti ho postato in .bash_acpi_prompt e metti in
.bashrc la seguente riga:

source ~/.bash_acpi_prompt

In questo modo avrai il prompt con l'indicazione di carica, e colorato
in base alla carica.


# Color the bash prompt in function of the percentage of battery
# with acpi subsystem.
# Based on the originally apm based script that has been posted
# on debian-laptop by Jason Kraftcheck <kraftche@cae.wisc.edu>.
# This script is licensed under the GNU GPL version 2 or later,
# see /usr/share/common-licences/GPL on a Debian system or
# http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html on the web.
# (c) 2003 Fabio 'farnis' Sirna <farnis AT libero DOT it>

# put in your .bashrc the next line:
# source ~/.bash_acpi_prompt
# acpi_color_prompt

function acpi_percent()
 if [ `cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep present: |cut -d\  -f18` = "yes" ]; then
   #CAPACITY=`cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info |grep "design capacity:"|cut -d\  -f11`
   LEVEL=`cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep remaining|cut -d\  -f8`
   ACPI_PERCENT=`echo $(( $LEVEL * 100 / $CAPACITY ))`
   if [ "$LEVEL" = "$CAPACITY" ]; then
    echo FULL
    echo $ACPI_PERCENT%
 else echo "NO BATTERY"

function acpi_charge()
 ACPI_CHARGE=`cat /proc/acpi/ac_adapter/AC/state | cut -d\  -f20`
 case $ACPI_CHARGE in
         ACPI_CHARGE="+" ;;
         ACPI_CHARGE="-" ;;
     echo $ACPI_CHARGE

function acpi_color()
     if  [  "$(acpi_charge)"  =  "+"  ];  then
       if [ `cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state | grep present: |cut -d\  -f18` = "no" ]; then
        echo  "0;31"
       else echo  "1;32"
       case  $(acpi_percent)  in
          10?%)  echo  "0;32"  ;;
           9?%)  echo  "0;32"  ;;
           8?%)  echo  "0;32"  ;;
           7?%)  echo  "0;32"  ;;
           6?%)  echo  "0;32"  ;;
           5?%)  echo  "0;32"  ;;
           4?%)  echo  "0;33"  ;;
           3?%)  echo  "0;33"  ;;
           2?%)  echo  "0;33"  ;;
           1?%)  echo  "0;31"  ;;         
            ?%)  echo  "0;31;5"  ;;
             *)  echo  "0;35"  ;;

function  acpi_color_prompt
     PS1='\[\e[$(acpi_color)m\][$(acpi_charge)$(acpi_percent)][\t] \u:\w\$>\[\e[0;37m\] '

#  linux  console
#   if  [  "$TERM"  =  "linux"  ];  then
#    PROMPT_COMMAND=acpi_color_prompt
# fi

#   function  echo_acpi
#   {
#     echo -n "($(acpi_charge)$(acpi_percent)) "
# }

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