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Re: apt-problems

On Sat, Dec 07, 2002 at 12:15:00PM +0100, Gollum1 wrote:
> Ciao all
> vengo subito al dunque...
> ultimamente quando faccio apt-get upgrade mi ritrovo 3 pacchetti in hold, 
> che quindi non posso aggiornare, i pacchetti sono:
> libqt3, libqt3-mt, libqt3-odbc.

1. Qt 3.0.5 backport

This release was built with a backport of Qt 3.0.5 from unstable
(3.0.5-3) to stable (woody). Therefore you need to install
the libqt3 debs in order to be able to run this release of KDE. The Qt
3.0.5 backport is included in the according directory
holding the KDE 3.0.4 debs (for now that is 3.0.4/Debian/woody/i386/).
Note that due to the fact that Woody ships with 
XFree 4.1 by default, the Qt libraries have been built with -no-xft. In
case you're missing antialiased fonts, please either
upgrade to the version in unstable (which is compiled with -xft) or
recompile qt-3.0.5 yourself removing -no-xft in
qt-x11-free-3.0.5/debian/rules. Mind that in case you want to use
antialiasing, you should install XFree 4.2.x. A version for Woody can
be obtained with the following sources.list line:

deb http://people.debian.org/~blade/woody/i386 ./

Da qui capisco che prima devi installare le Qt aggiornate e poi il 
resto... Fatto quello, tutte le dipendenze dalle vecchie Qt ti si
'fregano' ed ecco che apt ti mette in hold le famigerate Qt: o
fai l'upgrade o ti tieni le Qt taroccate per woody...

Francesco P. Lovergine

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