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Re: Log traffico...

On Thu, Nov 15, 2001 at 05:07:42PM +0100, Marco Gaiarin wrote:
> Avrei bisogno di tenere un log di tutto il traffico che passa per una
> data interfaccia

Se ti basta "quantui bytes sono passati in un certo intervallo di tempo
da e/o per ceti ip" allora ipfm (ricompilalo da woody se hai potato, come
ho io sulle macchine nelle quali uso quel pacchetto)

> Iptables mi pare non proponibile... potrei loggare
> ogni pacchetto che passa ma poi sarebbe un suicidio ravanare nei log
> (che ad ogni modo non saprei dove mettere).

non e` necessario loggare. Ci dovrebbero essere regole che permettono
semplicemente di aumentare certi contatori e poi comandi di iptables
(credo, con ipchains c'erano) per farti vedere i valori dei contatori
e/o resettarli

Credo che esistano pacchetti debian che aiutano a fare queste cose:
non li ho mai usati ma forse ti possono servire

 Package: ipac-ng
 Description: IP Accounting for iptables( kernel >=2.4)
  Inserts iptables rules to classify network traffic and monitors these
  rules, writing the data to a file at a certain interval. It will then
  allow one to calculate IP accounting data and statistics.
 Package: ipac
 Description: IP accounting configuration and statistics tool
  Allows easy configuration of the Linux kernel's IP accounting
  features. It can also read this information from the kernel, store it
  and summarise it.
  If you use linux 2.3 or 2.4, you need ipchains compatibility
  in your kernel as ipac does not support the new kernel natively yet.

 Package: fwlogwatch
 Description: Firewall log analyzer
   fwlogwatch produces ipchains, netfilter/iptables, ipfilter, Cisco IOS and
   Cisco PIX log summary reports in text and HTML form and has a lot of
   options to find and display relevant patterns in connection attempts. With
   the data found it can also generate customizable incident reports from a
   template and send them to abuse contacts at offending sites or CERT
   coordination centers. Finally, it can also run as daemon and report
   anomalies or start countermeasures.
 Package: net-acct
 Description: Usermode IP accounting daemon
   This package logs network traffic. It provides a daemon (nacctd) that
   logs all traffic passing the machine it runs on (similar to what tcpdump
   Capability is provided to associate traffic to slip/ppp users in case you
   run a slip/ppp server.

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