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Re: Domanda stupida

On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 04:10:48AM +0200, Alessio Re wrote:
> Come faccio a dire a dpkg di disinstallare tutti i programmi con un 
> particolare status (ad. es.: deinstall)? Ho0 letto la man page, ma non ne 
> sono venuto molto a capo..

Dalla manpage di dpkg:

       dpkg -r | --remove | -P | --purge package ... | -a |
              Remove an installed package.  -r or --remove remove
              everything except configuration  files.   This  may
              avoid  having  to  reconfigure the package if it is
              reinstalled later.  (Configuration  files  are  the
              files listed in the debian/conffiles control file).
              -P or --purge removes everything, including config­
              uration files.  If -a or --pending is given instead
              of a package name, then all packages unpacked,  but
              marked   to   be   removed   or   purged   in  file
              /var/lib/dpkg/status,  are   removed   or   purged,

E' questo quello che ti interessa?

Christian Surchi   |   csurchi@debian.org   |   christian@firenze.linux.it    
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