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Re: Suono...

Qualche anima pia mi saprebbe spiegare perchè gnome "suona" ma quando lancio 
grecord e provo a riprodurre o a registrare ottengo questo msg?

Sounddevice not ready! Please check that there isn't
another program running thats using the sounddevice.
Uso il kernel 2.4.5 e ho compilato come modulo es1371, ho una SB128.


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| Andrea Gangemi, a Microsoft free user |
|               mailtos:                |
|         a.gangemi@tiscalinet.it       |
|           harzack@galber.it           |
|        cybergange@interfree.it        |
|	       ICQ: 109870822           |
|URL: http://www.geocities.com/a_gangemi|            
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             ooooO      Ooooo   Artwork FoReVEr in progress...

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