(solved) mpm-itk "Permission denied: unable to connect to cgi daemon after multiple tries:"
This is more for google than anything else.
Based on Russell Coker's helpful post, we've been using mpm-itk to set
UID/GID per apache web site for a while.
Recently I setup a new debian etch / apache 2 server and the error logs
filled with:
Permission denied: unable to connect to cgi daemon
after multiple tries:
By default debian apache2 seems to come w/ cgid enabled:
cgid's purpose is:
On certain unix operating systems, forking a process
from a multi-threaded server is a very expensive operation
because the new process will replicate all the threads of
the parent process. In order to avoid incurring this expense
on each CGI invocation, mod_cgid creates an external daemon
that is responsible for forking child processes to run CGI
scripts. The main server communicates with this daemon using
a unix domain socket.
If I understand correctly, mpm-itk does forks not threads, so mod_cgid
does nothing for it.
I can imagine that it would be problematic for various mpm-itk processes
to attempt to write to
The solution was to disable cgid by removing the symlinks to
rm /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/cgid.conf
rm /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/cgid.load
and reloading apache:
I did the symlink removal by hand because a2dismod couldn't seem to
separate mod_cgi (which we need for cgi scripts) from mod_cgid
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