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Installing AMD64 Etch on Server


I have a little problem. Maybe anybody can give me a hint.

I would like to install Etch with AMD64 arch on a mashine which is running Sarge (i386). Itried putting up a debootstraped Etch. But when I try to chroot into it I get an error, that it ist not possible to exec anyting in the chroot.

Does anybody have an idea how I could accomplish that task. The problem is, that I have no physical access to the server and I only have a sarge (i386) recovery system running.

Best regard


Bernd Schuhmacher		Tel.: +49 06848/72144
Donaustraße 4			Fax: +49 06848/72145
66424 Homburg			Mobil: +49 171/8314351
				Email: bernd@schuhmacher-net.de
	Homepage: http://schuhmacher-net.de/~bernd
	ICQ#:	54401288
	MSN:	bernd@schuhmacher-net.de
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