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Re: RAD FCD-24 and X.21/V.35 Controller for Linux

Am 2005-06-23 19:34:27, schrieb Andrew M.A. Cater:

> You could try Cyclades / Sangoma for the cards. Certainly Cyclades had
> good Linux drivers. Look through back issues of Linux Journal for the
> advertisements and, possibly, even for articles on setting up.

I have tried to get Cyclades and/or Sangoma, but nothing...
I am seraching (international) on ebay since two years...  :-/

> You are setting yourself up as a multinational ISP and telecoms company
> :) Your problem is primarily going to be compliance with international 

It is the "CyberCenter Network"

> regulations and bureaucracy, then the hosting provision.  If you need 

I have already my Licences fro Morocco, Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan.

> 400GB diskspace, that's one SATA disk - big deal. What the big ISP's are 

No, I am using SCSI Systems with  my 32-Bit Controller AMI Megaraid
Enterprise 1200 which I have gotten on ebay for 1 Euro.  :-)

My GDT6128RD was more expensive with 27 Euro.
I have HDDs of 36, 74 and 147 GByte.

> charging for is 24 hour power, guaranteed time for mending failures and 
> some quality of service. They generally buy their bandwidth from national 

To expensive...
> market. Lots of ISP's have closed down / lost money over the years
> thus lots of cheap kit - so you can be the beneficiary of a lorry load
> of equipment that is someone else's rubbish / end of life inventory.

I know  :-)  I have two 40t-Trucks of inventory...
Excluding 97 AS400 (I am working on the Linuxport "powerpc" for it).

> You are now trying to be an international telecoms player, an ISP and a

Not realy right, because the Servers are hosting
the local Websites and mailservers only, e.g.:




> charity. In Morocco, you may stand a chance: the telecoms infrastructure
> to get bandwidth into the country is not too bad and they'll welcome
> ways of getting that bandwidth further from the coast. Plus, through
> history and geography, the Maghreb is fairly tied to Europe. I don't
> know about the legal and regulatory issues - it may be they are still

No problem, because with german citizenship you can create easyly an
enterprise in Morocco.  Take 5000 Eurp and put it onto an Bank Account,
then go to the Consulat and ask for a Business-Migration-Visa...

> developing, in which case you can be one of the early players in the 
> market.

My "CyberCenter Network", based on Debian GNU/Linux, which includes
beside Internet Cafees, ISP and onlineshop, "IT Education Centers
for Women" are sponsored by the Moroccain Governement, exactly the
Ministry of Education (80%) and Ministry of Family (20%).

    Thanks to King Mohammed VI of Morocco!

> In Strasbourg / Germany: you will effectively be a customer of a
> national telco or another ISP - just another customer because bandwidth

I know, but in Strasbourg I will pay several times more then in

> and connectivity is a commodity and you pay the going rate BUT hosting
> needs more effort to provide a guaranteed quality of service/call centre
> and so on. That's what the big ISP's are charging for and small ISP's
> are effectively buying from the big ISP's and selling on.

The ISP mus assurer a working Internet connection and mybey an UPS.
They can not do more for you !

The same is, if I get my own E1 at home.
I do not convince a stranger for my computers...

> In Iran, you'll be up against the State, in one form or another.

Curently Iran is heavyly changing and...

> Government regulation/censorship may be severe or intrusive. You'd
> presumably better be able to implement heavy duty filtering. As a woman

...the "CyberCenter Network" Project is accepted by the Governement
of Pres. Kathami... (and do not forget: Kamenei =! Khomeni).

> and a foreign national, it's possible you'll need to find someone in

I am origin Iranien, because my mother comes from Khoy (province
West-Asserbaijan) and my father was turkish comeing from Erçek.

> Iran to act for you. [This is only IMHO - you might sail through
> everything - but be prepared for the ground to shift under you]

Oh, I know the Iran very well and I have learned
very much abourt the last 26 years...

It is time to change something!

But not with US-Nuclear-Weapons.  :-/


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