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Re: backup

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Take a look aat backup PC, we used it to backup server daily, works well (but has a bug when restoring filesystems with a lot of symlink (altough I believe it is more of a rsync bug) )

Le 10-nov.-05 à 16:19, Ward Vandewege a écrit :

On Thu, Nov 10, 2005 at 12:02:42AM -0800, Kancha . wrote:
I need to create a backup server that is responsible
backu data/config files/mysql db from several servers.

Please state which is an ideal backup sowftware to
achieve this.

I like MEEP (http://www.woods.iki.fi/pub/meep/) which is a simple perl script that uses rsync and hardlinks to create full backups that don't take much
space (above what's required for the first copy).

I use meep in combination with mysqldump and some shell scripts to back up a bunch of servers. Rsyncing the meep backup to a remote site works quite well
too, and the backups are just your files - no compression or any other
obfuscation, which makes restoring extremely convenient...


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