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Thanks so much for e-mailing "PETA Kids!"

Thanks so much for e-mailing "PETA Kids!" 

If you've reached this address by mistake:
Please do not resend your inquiry to another PETA e-mail address. Your
e-mail message will be rerouted to the correct staff member. 

If you're e-mailing to let us know about a mission you've completed:
Congratulations! We and the animals appreciate your efforts. You can
expect your prize within four weeks (please note that you must include
your full name and mailing address in order to receive your items. If
you did not do so in your initial e-mail message, please send it to this
same address with "ADDRESS" in the subject line). 

If you're writing to us with a question regarding animal rights:
We hope you'll be patient with us. We receive hundreds of e-mail
messages each month, and we do our best to answer questions that we
receive within two weeks. You may not receive a reply, however, as your
question may be answered on one of the following sites:  

*	Homework help (history of PETA, general info, etc.):
*	About PETA: http://www.petakids.com/about_peta.html 
*	Frequently asked questions and more:
*	Cruelty on the Internet (cruel Web sites):

	If you're looking for ideas on how to get active for animals,
here are a few simple things you can do:

*	Don't eat them! Remember, a vegetarian saves 95 lives each year.

*	Host a carwash or a dog wash, set up a lemonade stand, cut
grass, or rake leaves, and give the proceeds to your local animal
shelter (or simply volunteer at the shelter).
*	Encourage friends to go to a movie, a fun park, or a local
museum instead of attending a circus that's in town.
*	Encourage friends to ask for alternatives to dissecting. 

For many more fun and easy ideas, please visit

Thanks again for writing and for everything that you do for animals! 

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