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Re: Servers monitoring


Arnau a écrit :
I'm not sure if this is the proper list to send this question, but as I haven't found any list called debian-administrators, anybody knows if anything similar exists?

I don't think so. There is an --excellent IMHO-- website from Steve Kemp
that tries to aggregate useful resources for debian administration
but I don't know any mail list.

Which program do you use to monitor your systems?

Personnally I use nagios and I am happy with it. I used to use mon
but switched to Nagios one year ago, mostly to have a "better"
web interface.

there are so many out there...

Yes : mon, big brother (no debs), big sister (no debs), zabbix (no

I have been using MRTG to monitor the CPU load of my

I can see different goals here :

- monitoring the availability (status OK or not) of services/hosts and
  being warned if something goes wrong (no more answer, value over/under
  a threshold, etc.)

- recording variables values over time (load, disk space, bandwidth,
  etc.) fot history

RRDTool (MRTG, Cacti, cricket, etc.) is useful for the second one
whereas nagios and al. for the first one.

Of course, You can have both but I don't know if one tool fits the
two goals.

I'm shure the honourable assembly will correct me :-)


Emmanuel Halbwachs              Labo. de Photonique et Nanostructures
tel      : (+33)1 69 63 61 34                             CNRS UPR 20
fax      : (+33)1 69 63 60 06       Route de Nozay F 91460 Marcoussis

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