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Re: Realtime statistics: is there some isues?


  let me write my experience. I use both webalizer and awstats to
  generate statistics for customers. Every virtualhost has its own
  apache logfile (rotated weekly) and own statistics. I run webalizer
  from cron every day and it takes less than 1 hour to process all
  vhosts. It's run with nice level, so it doesn't hurt server
  performance much. I don't remember now, but I think I have turned on
  DNS, so majority of spent time is just waiting for DNS responses.

  awstats is run every 2 hours (mainly because it doesn't have to
  create all those html files, just updates it's own data file) and it
  takes about 20 minutes. Also DNS is on, I have turned it off only
  for few domains with high traffic from many different IPs.

  Server is 1.2GHz with 1 GB RAM, about ~550 virtual hosts with total
  monthly web traffic about 280 GB.

Thursday, March 31, 2005, 1:23:52, you wrote:

> Remember I want to be able to have high loads like 150 GB a month
> in a single server (that's millions of web requests). For
> example, for 100GB, you can expect to have 2GB of apache logs in
> /var/lib/mysql/apachelogs. That's quite something!

  bYE, Marki

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